Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The motion picture and the physiological connection

What are movies? Movies are a collection of images that that are presented in a linear fashion to invoke a cognitive connection. Watching movies has been said to be an escape from the real world . An experience that invoked or helps invokes certain feelings. From childhood to adults our minds learn and adapt in a autonomic fashion.

The people, places, things humans experience and get to know on a daily bases is all part of the human experience and how we learn to respond and react to the world around us. This cycle of connective behavior has a way of repeating in all humans. In other words humans are essentially predictable yet complex creatures under simple situations. Feelings such as love, hate, sadness, happens etc.. Are all chimerical reactions in our body designed to help us cope in the world around us.

The old saying goes "where only human" is probably the most elegant way to put our legacy as a race of beings. Good story captures the simple parts of human experience in a way that allows the audience to become emotionally invested.

Our minds seek to find reason in order to cope and connect with the world around us. If we didn't our bodies would be under constant stress. simular to an alzheimer patient. During early stages they can become confused, combative and unaware of there world. Later as the disease becomes progressively worse and they began to develop no recollection of who they are and what they are.

Alzheimer's can be hard on any family because the family may feel hopeless. Like the soul has left, but the shell is still there. As humans the only thing that connects us with one another is our legacy, our past. A person has once said "don't let your past define who you are." But it is our identity to the world that keeps us connected to it. Its our safety and our worse enemy. How we respond to the world helps define our selves and our direction in life. Humans, inherently, will always try to seek meaning and purpose.

Historically, there have been documented cases where US soldiers where captured in a WWII german concentration camp and they where forced to move large rocks from one end of the camp to the other. The task proved to be meaningless and with out purpose. The us solders who lost hope ended there life by trying to get the german guards to shoot them.

If the mind can not justify meaning and purpose then the person could loose hope and most likely die by ending there lives or simply die of depression.

In any good movie, people often look for a satisfying and compete ending. Even if its a doom and glume ending. The plot can still allows our minds to come to rest knowing the story had a rational conclusion.

Reason is a mental faculty (or ability) found in humans, that is able to generate conclusions from assumptions or premises. In other words, it is amongst other things the means by which rational beings propose specific reasons, or explanations of cause and effect. In contrast to reason as an abstract noun, a reason is a consideration which explains or justifies.

The elusion that our mind often generate conclusions from assumptions or premises is what keeps our bodies from developing stress. when the mind is confused the body can stress easily.

There are some things our mind cannot reason, but it just simply except. For example, color. what is color where does it come from why do we respond to it the way we do?

No one can explane color but we can explane what it connects too. for instance the blue sky a red apple and so on.

Our Dreams are not so distant from our experiences in the world. Simply put our dreams are a series of images that pass threw our mind. During a given day filled with activity our minds stor temporary information such as sight, and sound. However, if we are bombarded by information then our minds could shut down. Very much like a person studying for a test the night before. The mind can only take so much new information in a given time before it shuts down. If a movie is too confusing then the mind will do things like shut down to cope with the stress.

During REM sleep our mind has to organize that data. That data could be any thing. The more rich our experience was during the day the more vivid our dreams can become.

REM sleep in adult humans typically occupies 20–25% of total sleep, about 90–120 minutes of a night's sleep. During a normal night of sleep, humans usually experience about four or five periods of REM sleep; they are quite short at the beginning of the night and longer toward the end. Many animals and some people tend to wake, or experience a period of very light sleep, for a short time immediately after a bout of REM. The relative amount of REM sleep varies considerably with age. A newborn baby spends more than 80% of total sleep time in REM.[2] During REM, the activity of the brain's neurons is quite similar to that during waking hours; for this reason, the REM-sleep stage may be called paradoxical sleep.[3] This means there are no dominating brain waves during REM sleep.


According to one theory, certain memories are consolidated during REM sleep. Numerous studies have suggested that REM sleep is important for consolidation ofprocedural memory and spatial memory. (Slow-wave sleep, part of non-REM sleep, appears to be important for declarative memory.) A recent study[7] shows that artificial enhancement of the non-REM sleep improves the next-day recall of memorized pairs of words.

It is not unusual if a person has a traumatic day could be more susceptible to a nightmare. The reason being is during the day our experiences could generate certain chemical reactions like feelings of fear, or worry. During rem sleep our minds still have to process those feelings and experiences in to long term storage.

This can be a very complex subject, but the poing I am trying to make here is the images that pass threw our mind can be very confusing and can also cause stress for the body if it does not cope with all those random images. good or bad. For example, one instant we could see a horse another minute we could see a room and our mind will or could put that horse in that room and from there our mind will cope by wanting to connect those images and in such a way that it feels like we are having some kind of connective story. The story may not make a whole lot of sense but if our minds did not do that then we would only be seeing random unconnected images with no meaning.

A person can tell a story using totally un connected images in different parts of the world and the audience will inherently want to connect those images making some sort of story. A good filmmaker understands human action and reaction. Often times that filmmaker could have experienced things in his or her life that allows them to tell stories the way they do. This phenomena can be interpreted as an artest style. while I would like to say an artest has style we really don't. Artest simply take life experiences and preexisting concepts and puts them together in such a way that the general audience cognitively connects to those images in a specific way. For example, you can have one image that has a little girl and the next image where a group of people seemingly family members standing over a coffin with the little girls picture next to it. This can segest to the audience that the girl has died and the audience develops appropriate emotional responses of sadness to connect with the tragedy.

Emotional responses in movies are not always 100 %, but at least the audience should be able to connect to the images in such a way that makes sense cognitively. A good artest can arrange the images in such a way that everyone gathers the same impression of the connected images. Universal exceptence is where most or all humans generally experience the same thing. Like love, joy, hate, violence etc...

If there is no universal exceptince in a motion picture then our minds could be lost in the content and could deliver no rational closure. A film that is just random with no universally connective themes will cause an audience's mind to work harder then it usually does. The human mind could do a number of things to cope with the lack of connectivity from one image to the next. the first thing is a person could just shut out or zone out, the second is a person can become flustered or confused. Humans react a number of ways to things they don't understand. Which is why if an artest takes the time to do simple story telling by exhibiting universally connective themes then the audience will have a better chance responding to the story the way the artest intended. In other words art is a science there are rules and while those rules can be bent to express a particular point or emotion these rules are there so humans can connect with the sequences of images in a particular and intentional manner. Without connection to these moving pictures the audience will be forced to connect in there own mind of how they want to emotionally and physically invest in to the movie.

So the next time you or some one you know wants to tell a story sit back and ask your self how can people connect universal to this story. Other wise the story will be like a bad joke that no one else, but the artest can understand.

Robert Sawin


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